
This document summarizes performance of R package breakDown and python package breakDown on the same data.

Model-agnostic method (up and down approach) was executed on boston data for regression using standard benchmarking libraries from each language.

R breakDown test code

Following commands were executed:

train_data = MASS::Boston[1:300,]
model = rpart(medv~.,data=train_data)

Following commands were executed:

r_results_up = [
  151496945, 179019040, 174285649, 171657389, 186736577, 176873811, 149477996, 156078363, 153822111, 157110590, 164812549, 149597564, 161371930, 150536604, 159660424,
  151099397, 164005548, 160877359, 155673724, 158594509, 156552341, 200853530, 160604062, 151016360, 172159991, 157366522, 147924708, 162123947, 147203023, 162070644,
  151646715, 153851925, 156636659, 153249238, 156439382, 156615324, 157338560, 161933728, 149347225, 178186792, 151804799, 212896701, 153531788, 150779583, 154386491,
  156761934, 188869215, 159124536, 152582601, 160098227, 155172859, 224314278, 210030058, 158369641, 155658547, 157556676, 159644216, 163577044, 160073830, 167877435,
  162871403, 210618121, 152126449, 151551847, 154210243, 162995112, 158628385, 158397297, 156230989, 155259541, 210152892, 167261196, 157579803, 163454795, 210172135,
  207497217, 217937407, 268007391, 238880808, 200768319, 298817194, 187716953, 332831036, 288971446, 310214308, 279432796, 314266951, 240378471, 275743596, 269309196,
  222933544, 147644030, 236694466, 237237474, 166425943, 176675193, 162013906, 176361342, 171035583, 156164433]
r_results_up_s = list(map((lambda x:x/1000000000.0), r_results_up)) #nanoseconds to seconds (float)

Results for following command

r_results_down = [
  157636586, 176977826, 152566930, 176370770, 180238813, 173332343, 155944278, 169256885, 154035595, 182050786, 163405722, 161102422, 150142820, 153812325, 167083885,
  168320711, 172771259, 149702551, 150772637, 158442582, 164156678, 153659233, 171969098, 171280606, 170234515, 161486393, 165544387, 341738681, 166618779, 153261220,
  267645521, 269206271, 364408941, 160329436, 161647353, 271923368, 283175933, 288241510, 210309194, 157228111, 206084831, 232462591, 151892180, 236498265, 256872159,
  183687155, 156095554, 149535499, 270376952, 291976544, 285317108, 231151520, 151745569, 151015639, 193988674, 249337290, 230854189, 159672939, 165214270, 152861032,
  186642382, 184334376, 168095304, 168336995, 169595482, 195182804, 168409596, 340181327, 252239990, 160054458, 222313336, 215507379, 256581788, 250826165, 185914535,
  260640237, 157249833, 179897500, 183111127, 151472923, 167080830, 155694615, 141172815, 165356275, 154660090, 164839180, 150481817, 174504689, 158367491, 244537238,
  200776265, 143306303, 174211859, 143917859, 152706348, 160942923, 169771885, 148698114, 148858718, 189644579
r_results_down_s = list(map((lambda x:x/1000000000.0), r_results_down)) #nanoseconds to seconds (float)

Python pyBreakDown test code

Following code was executed:

import timeit
setup="""from pyBreakDown import explainer
from pyBreakDown import explanation
from sklearn import datasets, tree
model = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor()
boston = datasets.load_boston()
train_data =[0:300,:]
model =,[0:300])
exp = explainer.Explainer(clf=model, data=train_data, colnames=boston.feature_names)"""

Similar commands for up and down method

t = timeit.Timer(stmt='exp.explain([399,:],direction=\"up", useIntercept=True)', setup=setup)
p_results_up = t.repeat(number=1,repeat=100)
t = timeit.Timer(stmt='exp.explain([399,:],direction=\"down", useIntercept=True)', setup=setup)
p_results_down = t.repeat(number=1,repeat=100)
import numpy as np
def describe (arr):
    print ("Min".ljust(10)+str(np.min(arr)))
    print ("1Q".ljust(10)+str(np.percentile(arr,q=25)))
    print ("Median".ljust(10)+str(np.median(arr)))
    print ("Mean".ljust(10)+str(np.mean(arr)))
    print ("3Q".ljust(10)+str(np.percentile(arr,q=75)))
    print ("Max".ljust(10)+str(np.max(arr)))

Basic statistics for breakDown

Min       0.141172815
1Q        0.15694497175
Median    0.16883324049999998
Mean      0.19000790343999996
3Q        0.20714092175
Max       0.364408941
Min       0.147203023
1Q        0.15566992975000002
Median    0.1611246445
Mean      0.18094488425
3Q        0.18800501849999998
Max       0.332831036

Basic statitics for pyBreakDown

Min       0.007466723000106867
1Q        0.007695871750911465
Median    0.007944501499878243
Mean      0.008533558790659299
3Q        0.008452101750663132
Max       0.015690394000557717
Min       0.007126873002562206
1Q        0.007325664251766284
Median    0.007430911500705406
Mean      0.007852593970528687
3Q        0.007539984750110307
Max       0.015298425998480525