Source code for pyBreakDown.explainer

import numpy as np
from collections import deque
from blist import blist
from pyBreakDown import explanation as e

[docs]class Explainer: """ Explainer object. Parameters ---------- clf : np.array Sklearn predicition model (regression or classification). data : np.array Baseline dataset for algorithm. colnames : np.array Dataset feature names. """ def __init__(self, clf, data, colnames): assert len(colnames) == data.shape[1] #otherwise it wouldnt make any sense self.clf = clf = data self.colnames = colnames def _transform_observation (self, observation): if observation.ndim < 2: observation = np.expand_dims(observation, axis=0) return observation def _get_initial_dataset(self, observation, data): assert observation.ndim == 2 and observation.shape[0] == 1 return np.repeat(observation,repeats=data.shape[0], axis=0)
[docs] def explain (self, observation, direction, useIntercept = False, baseline=0): """ Make explanation for given observation and dataset. Method works with any sklearn prediction model Parameters ---------- observation : np.array Observation to explain. direction : str Could be "up" or "down". Decides the direction of algorithm. useIntercept : bool If set, baseline argument will be ignored and baseline will be set to intercept. baseline : float Baseline of explanation. Returns ------- Explanation Object that contains influences and descriptions of each relevant attribute. """ data = np.copy( assert direction in ["up","down"] observation = self._transform_observation(observation) #expand dims from 1D to 2D if necessary assert len(self.colnames) == observation.shape[1] if direction=="up": exp = self._explain_up(observation, baseline, data) if direction=="down": exp = self._explain_down(observation, baseline, data) mean_prediction = np.mean(self.clf.predict(data)) if useIntercept: baseline = mean_prediction bcont = 0 else: bcont = mean_prediction - baseline exp.add_intercept(bcont) exp.add_baseline(baseline) exp.make_final_prediction() return exp
def _explain_up (self, observation, baseline, data): new_data = self._get_initial_dataset(observation, data) baseline_yhat = np.mean(self.clf.predict(data)) open_variables = blist(range(0,data.shape[1])) important_variables = deque() important_yhats = {} for i in range(0, data.shape[1]): yhats = {} yhats_diff = np.repeat(-float('inf'), data.shape[1]) for variable in open_variables: tmp_data = np.copy(data) tmp_data[:,variable] = new_data[:,variable] yhats[variable] = self.clf.predict(tmp_data) yhats_diff[variable] = abs(baseline_yhat - np.mean(yhats[variable])) amax = np.argmax(yhats_diff) important_variables.append(amax) important_yhats[i] = yhats[amax] data[:,amax] = new_data[:,amax] open_variables.remove(amax) var_names = np.array(self.colnames)[important_variables] var_values = observation[0,important_variables] means = self._get_means_from_yhats(important_yhats) means.appendleft(baseline_yhat) contributions = np.diff(means) return e.Explanation(var_names, var_values, contributions, e.ExplainerDirection.Up) def _explain_down (self, observation, baseline, data): new_data = self._get_initial_dataset(observation, data) target_yhat = self.clf.predict(observation) open_variables = blist(range(0,data.shape[1])) important_variables = deque() important_yhats = {} for i in range(0, data.shape[1]): yhats = {} yhats_diff = np.repeat(float('inf'), data.shape[1]) for variable in open_variables: tmp_data = np.copy(new_data) tmp_data[:,variable] = data[:,variable] yhats[variable] = self.clf.predict(tmp_data) yhats_diff[variable] = abs(target_yhat - np.mean(yhats[variable])) amin = np.argmin(yhats_diff) important_variables.append(amin) important_yhats[i] = yhats[amin] new_data[:,amin] = data[:,amin] open_variables.remove(amin) important_variables.reverse() var_names = np.array(self.colnames)[important_variables] var_values = observation[0,important_variables] means = self._get_means_from_yhats(important_yhats) means.appendleft(target_yhat[0]) means.reverse() contributions = np.diff(means) return e.Explanation(var_names, var_values, contributions, e.ExplainerDirection.Down) def _get_means_from_yhats (self, important_yhats): return deque([np.array(v).mean() for k,v in important_yhats.items()])